Ledbury Community Solar Co-op has been set up by an active team of local people. All members of the team, including the six directors, are volunteers:
Vivien Arscott (Director)
My family and I have lived in Ledbury for over 20 years and I have worked locally as a language teacher. I have also been involved with voluntary organisations: the Citizens’ Advice Bureau, the WEA, the Ledbury Poetry. As the problems of climate change and our dependence on fossil fuels become more acute now is the time to tackle this challenge as a community and derive whatever benefits we can for the community and inspire other green projects.
My family and I have lived in Ledbury for over 20 years and I have worked locally as a language teacher. I have also been involved with voluntary organisations: the Citizens’ Advice Bureau, the WEA, the Ledbury Poetry. As the problems of climate change and our dependence on fossil fuels become more acute now is the time to tackle this challenge as a community and derive whatever benefits we can for the community and inspire other green projects.
Steve Betts
Ledbury Community Solar can be seen as an antidote to campaigning
against unwelcome developments: it is an inspiring example of positive
action on a number of environmental, social and economic fronts.
Ledbury Community Solar can be seen as an antidote to campaigning
against unwelcome developments: it is an inspiring example of positive
action on a number of environmental, social and economic fronts.
Ruth Busbridge (Director)
I have a long held and deep concern about climate change and our over reliance on fossil fuels. My academic studies and experience of building Herefordshire’s first certified Passivhaus here in Ledbury have equipped me with knowledge and skills that I believe will be of value in setting up the project. I am confident that the coop model is the most fair and ethical structure to adopt.
I have a long held and deep concern about climate change and our over reliance on fossil fuels. My academic studies and experience of building Herefordshire’s first certified Passivhaus here in Ledbury have equipped me with knowledge and skills that I believe will be of value in setting up the project. I am confident that the coop model is the most fair and ethical structure to adopt.
Liz Harvey (Director)
I’m currently a town and county councillor here in Ledbury, having spent 25 years working in defence and security. My time leading a team of professional technology forecasters has convinced me that we have serious changes and challenges ahead – internationally, nationally and locally. Much of this change will be driven by access (or lack of it) to energy and fuel. We will all need to take greater responsibility for how we use energy resources. The Ledbury Community Solar Co-op is one way in which we can cooperate in doing this, and help the planet a little bit in the process.
I’m currently a town and county councillor here in Ledbury, having spent 25 years working in defence and security. My time leading a team of professional technology forecasters has convinced me that we have serious changes and challenges ahead – internationally, nationally and locally. Much of this change will be driven by access (or lack of it) to energy and fuel. We will all need to take greater responsibility for how we use energy resources. The Ledbury Community Solar Co-op is one way in which we can cooperate in doing this, and help the planet a little bit in the process.
Paul Kinnaird
My business is Engineering and have been a Director of my own company since 1989. Inspired by the Transition movement I have cut my carbon emissions of both my home and company since 2006. PV arrays have made a large contribution to this reduction coupled with energy saving devices and lifestyle changes. I have also steered the business towards the Green Economy by supplying solar panel brackets, hardware for the biomass industry and products used in Environmental Control Equipment. This obviously benefits myself and my business but it is now time to develop these practices for the benefit of my community.
My business is Engineering and have been a Director of my own company since 1989. Inspired by the Transition movement I have cut my carbon emissions of both my home and company since 2006. PV arrays have made a large contribution to this reduction coupled with energy saving devices and lifestyle changes. I have also steered the business towards the Green Economy by supplying solar panel brackets, hardware for the biomass industry and products used in Environmental Control Equipment. This obviously benefits myself and my business but it is now time to develop these practices for the benefit of my community.
Norman Stanier (Director)
Dragon Orchard and has been in our family for five generations Our production company is Once Upon A Tree which in 2012 was the BBC Food and Farming Awards Drinks Producer of the yearI am a Director of a Fruit Farm at Dragon Orchard Putley . Responsible over the last six years for producing award winning drinks from the apples. We have run a sucessful community support agricultural scheme. Further information on the Website http://www.onceuponatree.co.uk/
Dragon Orchard and has been in our family for five generations Our production company is Once Upon A Tree which in 2012 was the BBC Food and Farming Awards Drinks Producer of the yearI am a Director of a Fruit Farm at Dragon Orchard Putley . Responsible over the last six years for producing award winning drinks from the apples. We have run a sucessful community support agricultural scheme. Further information on the Website http://www.onceuponatree.co.uk/
As a Fruit Grower I have a deep concern and care for sustainability and energy management My family and I live in a low energy house in the nearby village of Putley and I firmly believe that the future really does lie in thinking Globally and acting Locally
Ledbury Community Solar creates a sensible opportunity for a small but cohesive community to act together and be part of a positive move to help secure local energy supplies and to make a good return from an ethical investment.
John Vickerman (Director)
Anne Crane (Director)
Other members of the team: Jane Horton, Nancy Vandenbergh.